Thermography - Safe, effective, and painless. A new way to see you.
— Dr. Chad Hawk

Imagine being able to see your body in a whole new way. A way that shows what parts of your body are working too hard, and some that may not be working hard enough, by measuring temperature differences. You know how your body gets hot when you are working really hard? Well, your cells, tissues, and organs do the exact same thing when they are working too hard. That can mean your body isn’t functioning the way it was designed to work. This is where thermography shines!

Health conditions like:

  • Breast health and cancers

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Thyroid issues

  • Sinus and mouth problems

  • Muscle tone or muscle imbalances

  • Digestive problems

  • Hormonal imbalances

Can often be visualized in Thermographic images. Contact us today and see if thermography is right for you.
